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Stanley Gibbons-No. Year Nominal Description Set No. Cause of emission


1991 100 F Order Star of the Equator Knight Decorations I
1991 175 F Order Star of the Equator Officer Decorations I
1991 200 F Order Star of the Equator Commander Decorations I
1992 100 F Order Star of the Equator Greatofficer Decorations II
1992 175 F Order Star of the Equator Grand Cross Decorations II
1992 200 F National Order of Merit Decorations II
2017 650 F Congressional Gold Medal, shown without ribbon-US John Glenn
2017 650 F Presidential Medal of Freedom-US John Glenn
2017 NASA Distinguished Service Medal/NASA Space Flight Medal on edge, shown without ribbons-US John Glenn
125 1935 1 1/2 P Order of the Garter, collar-GB 125 - 28 Silver Jubilee King George V
126 1935 3 P Order of the Garter, collar-GB 125 - 28 Silver Jubilee King George V
127 1935 6 P Order of the Garter, collar-GB 125 - 28 Silver Jubilee King George V
128 1935 1 Sh Order of the Garter collar-GB 125 - 28 Silver Jubilee King George V
1998 D 25 Medal of the Shipwreck Society of New York-US Sinking of the Titanic


Georgian Republic
2018 2,50 Merab Kostava + Order of the National Hero, on stamp and edge Bl 77 - 78 Hero of the Georgian Republic
2018 2,50 Giorgi Mazniavili + Order of the National Hero ,on stamp and edge Bl 77 - 78 Hero of the Georgian Republic
2020 2,40 Ambrosi Khelaia + Order of the National Hero, on stamp and edge Hero of the Georgian Republic
2020 2,40 Zhiuli Shartava + Order of the National Hero, on stamp and edge Hero of the Georgian Republic
2020 3+1 Maro Makashvili + Order of the National Hero, on edge Hero of the Georgian Republic
Germany - Berlin
1970 30 Pfg Leopold von Ranke + Pour le Mérite for Sciences and Arts/Order of the Red Eagle cl. 2 star/Order of the Crown cl. 1 star on body (Pour le Mérite für Wissenschaften und Künste/Stern des Roten Adlerordens 2. Kl./Stern des Kronenordens 1. Kl.) 175th anniversary Leopold von Ranke
1981 40 Pfg Pour le Mérite for Sciences and Arts(Pour le Mérite für Wissenschaften und Künste) Prussian Exhibition
Germany - Federal Republic of Germany
1981 60 Pfg Carl von Clausewitz + Order of the Red Eagle cl 2 with oak leave/Iron Cross cl 2/Campaign Medal 1813/Service Cross for Officers/russian Order of Saint George cl. 4/swedish Sword Order cl. 3 on body (Roter Adlerorden 2. Klasse mit Eichenlaub/Eisernes Kreuz 2. Kl./Kriegsdenkmünze 1813/Dienstauszeichnung für Offiziere/russischer St. Georgsorden 4. Kl./schwedischer Schwertorden 3. Kl.) 150th annversary of death Carl von Clausewitz
1983 50 Pfg Otto Warburg + Grand Cross 2nd Class Federal Order of Merit on body (Grosses Bundesverdienstkreuz mit Stern und Schulterband)/Pour le Mérite for Sciences and Arts (Pour le Mérite für Wissenschaften und Künste) 100th anniversary Otto Warburg
1985 80 Pfg Iron Cross as nationality marking 30 years Federal Armed Forces (Bundeswehr)
1986 80 Pfg Frederic the Great + Order of the Black Eagle, star (Schwarzer Adlerorden, Stern) 200th anniversary of the death of Frederic the Great
1992 100 Pour le Mérite for Sciences and Arts (Pour le Mérite für Wissenschaften und Künste) 150 years Pour le Mérite for Sciences and Arts
1995 80 Pfg Leopold von Ranke + Pour le Mérite for Sciences and Arts(Pour le Mérite für Wissenschaften und Künste)/Order of Maximilian for Science and Art(Ordre de Maximilian für Wissenschaft und Kunst) on body 200th anniversary Leopold von Ranke
2005 80 Pfg Iron Cross as nationality marking 50 years Federal Armed Forces (Bundeswehr)
Germany - German Democatic Republic
E 605 1961 20 Pfg Bestowal of the Karl Marx Order on Kosmonaut Titow E 602 - 07 Visit of Titow in GDR
1966 20 Pfg Decoration for Good Knowledge of the FDJ in Gold (FDJ-Auszeichnung für gutes Wissen in Gold) 20 years Free German Youth (FDJ)
1967 25 Pfg Badge in case for collectives of the movement 'Fair of the Masters of Tomorrow' (Etui-Plakette für hervorragende Leistungen in der Bewegung 'Messe der Meister von morgen' für Kolletive) Xth Fair of the Masters of Tomorrow (MMM)
1969 10 Pfg Badge of Honour of Phllately (Ehrennadel der Philatelie) National Stamp Exposition
E 1298 1970 20 Pfg Fritz Heckert Medal E 1298 - 99 25 years Free German Union (Freier Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund)
E 1312 1970 10 Pfg Kulturbund Badge for membership of 25 years (Abzeichen für 25-jährige Mitgliedschaft) E 1312 - 13 25 years German Cultural Society (Deutscher Kulturbund)
E 1313 1970 10 Pfg Johannes R. Becher Medal in Silver E 1312 - 13 25 years German Cultural Society (Deutscher Kulturbund)
E 1336 1970 10 Pfg Badge Manoeuvre Comrades-in-Arms (Abzeichen Waffenbrüderschaft) E 1336 - 37 Manoeuvre Comrades-in-Arms
E 1337 1970 20 Pfg Badge Manoeuvre Comrades-in-Arms (Abzeichen Waffenbrüderschaft E 1336 - 37 Manoeuvre Comrades-in-Arms
E 1404 1971 10 Pfg Order of the Golden Fleece (Orden vom Goldenen Vlies)-A E 1403 - 08 Works of art in the Grünen Gewölbe Dresden
E 1408 1971 30 Pfg Order of the Garter, Lesser George-GB E 1403 - 08 Works of art in the Grünes Gewölbe Dresden
E 1830 1976 100 Pfg Richard Sorge + Gold Star-SU Richard Sorge
E 1950 1977 50 Pfg Honorary Pin in Gold of the Society for German-Soviet Friendship (Gesellschaft für deutsch-sowjetische Freundschaft) 30 years Society for German-Soviet Friendship
1978 20 Pfg Badge of Memory of the FDJ for the Participants of the Central Youth Object 'Builder of the length of pipeline Drushba' (FDJ-Ehrenabzeichen für Teilnehmer am Zentralen Jugendobjekt 'Erbauer der Drushba-Trasse') Construction of the pipeline 'Drushba-Trasse'
1983 1 M Badge of memory '30 years Combat Groups of the Working Class' (Erinnerungsabzeichenabzeichen '30 Jahre Kampfgruppen der Arbeiterklasse') 30 years 'Combat Groups of the Working Class' (Kampfgruppen der Arbeiterklasse)
Delegatees' badges:
To be delegated to specific conferences was considered as a distinction, the delegatees' badges were considered as medals
1971 5 Pfg Delegatee's Badge of the VIIIth conference of the SED party (Delegiertenabzeichen zum VIII. Parteitag der SED) VIIIth conference of the SED party
1971 10 Pfg Delegatee's Badge of the VIIIth conference of the SED party (Delegiertenabzeichen zum VIII. Parteitag der SED) VIIIth conference of the SED party
1971 20 Pfg Delegatee's Badge of the VIIIth conference of the SED party (Delegiertenabzeichen zum VIII. Parteitag der SED) VIIIth conference of the SED party
1971 25 Pfg Delegatee's Badge of the VIIIth conference of the SED party (Delegiertenabzeichen zum VIII. Parteitag der SED) VIIIth conference of the SED party
1971 20 Pfg Delegatee's Badge of the VIIIth conference of the SED party (Delegiertenabzeichen zum VIII. Parteitag der SED) VIIIth conference of the SED party
1972 10 Pfg Delegatee's Badge of the 8th Congress of the FDGB (Delegiertenabzeichen zum 8. Kongress des FDGB) 8th Congress of the Free German Trade Union Federation (FDGB)
1972 Delegatee's Badge of the 8th Congress of the FDGB (Delegiertenabzeichen zum 8. Kongress des FDG)B 8th Congress of the Free German Trade Union Federation (FDGB)
1972 35 Pfg Delegatee's Badge of the 8th Congress of the FDGB (Delegiertenabzeichen zum 8. Kongress des FDGB) 8th Congress of the Free German Trade Union Federation (FDGB)
1971 10 Pfg Delegatee's Badge of the IXth conference of the SED party (Delegiertenabzeichen zum IX. Parteitag der SED) IXth conference of the SED party
1971 20 Pfg Delegatee's Badge of the IXth conference of the SED party (Delegiertenabzeichen zum IX. Parteitag der SED) IXth conference of the SED party
1971 1 M Delegatee's Badge of the IXth conference of the SED party (Delegiertenabzeichen zum IX. Parteitag der SED) IXth conference of the SED party
1981 10 Pfg Delegatee's Badge of the Xth conference of the SED party (Delegiertenabzeichen zum X. Parteitag der SED) IXth conference of the SED party
1981 20 Pfg Delegatee's Badge of the Xth conference of the SED party (Delegiertenabzeichen zum X. Parteitag der SED) Xth conference of the SED party
1981 25 Pfg Delegatee's Badge of the Xth conference of the SED party (Delegiertenabzeichen zum X. Parteitag der SED) Xth conference of the SED party
1981 35 Pfg Delegatee's Badge of the Xth conference of the SED party (Delegiertenabzeichen zum X. Parteitag der SED) Xth conference of the SED party
1981 1 M Delegatee's Badge of the Xth conference of the SED party (Delegiertenabzeichen zum X. Parteitag der SED) Xth conference of the SED party
1981 Delegatee's Badge of the XIth parliament of the FDJ (Delegiertenabzeichen zum XI. Parlament der FDJ) XIth Parliament of the Free German Youth (FDJ)
1982 10 Pfg Delegatee's Badge of the 10th Congress of the FDGB (Delegiertenabzeichen zum 10. Kongress des FDGB) 10th Congress of the Free German Trade Union Federation (FDGB)
1982 20 Pfg Delegatee's Badge of the 10th Congress of the FDGB (Delegiertenabzeichen zum 10. Kongress des FDGB) 10th Congress of the Free German Trade Union Federation (FDGB)
1982 25 Pfg Insigne des délégues au Xe congrès de FDGB (Delegiertenabzeichen zum 10. Kongress des FDGB) (Delegiertenabzeichen zum 10. Kongress des FDGB) 10th Congress of the Free German Trade Union Federation (FDGB)
1985 Delegatee's Badge of the XIIth parliament of the FDJ (Delegiertenabzeichen zum XII. Parlament der FDJ) XIIth Parliament of the Free German Youth (FDJ)
1986 10 Pfg Delegatee's Badge of the XIth conference of the SED party (Delegiertenabzeichen zum XI. Parteitag der SED) XIth conference of the SED party
1986 20 Pfg Delegatee's Badge of the XIth conference of the SED party (Delegiertenabzeichen zum XI. Parteitag der SED XIth conference of the SED party
1986 50 Pfg Delegatee's Badge of the XIth conference of the SED party (Delegiertenabzeichen zum XI. Parteitag der SED XIth conference of the SED party
1986 85 Pfg Delegatee's Badge of the XIth conference of the SED party (Delegiertenabzeichen zum XI. Parteitag der SED) XIth conference of the SED party
1986 1 M Delegatee's Badge of the XIth conference of the SED party (Delegiertenabzeichen zum XI. Parteitag der SED) XIth conference of the SED party
1987 10 Pfg Delegatee's Badge of the XIIth Federal Congress of DFD (Delegiertenabzeichen zum XII. Bundeskongress des DFD) XIIth Federal Congress of Women's Democratic Federation of the GDR (DFD)


78 1960 3 P Nkrumah Medal 78 - 81 Proclamation of Republic
125 1962 3 P Nkrumah Medal 124 - 27 National Foundation day
1995 500 C Navy Cross/Purple Heart-US 1806 40 years end of World War II
1995 500 C Air Force Cross/Distinguished Flying Cross-GB 1806 40 years end of World War II
1995 500 C Navy and Marine Corps Medal/Distinguished Service Cross-US 1806 40 years end of World War II
1995 500 C Distinguished Service Medal/Distinguished Conduct Medal-GB 1806 40 years end of World War II
1995 500 C Military Medal/Military Cross-GB 1806 40 years end of World War II
1995 500 C Distinguished Service Cross/Distinguished Service Order-GB 1806 40 years end of World War II
1808 1995 1200 C War Cross (Croix de Guerre)-F/Medal of Honor-US/Victoria Cross-GB 1808 40 years end of World War II


100 1935 2 P Order of the Garter, collar-GB 100 - 03 Silver Jubilee King George V
101 1935 3 P Order of the Garter, collar-GB 100 - 03 Silver Jubilee King George V.
102 1935 6 P Order of the Garter, collar-GB 100 - 03 Silver Jubilee King George V
103 1935 1 Sh Order of the Garter, collar-GB 100 - 03 Silver Jubilee King George V
1986 1 L Queen Elizabeth II in robe of the Order of the British Empire-GB 60th anniversary Queen Elizabeth II
2013 Vignette Vice Admiral Sir Adrian Johnes + Ribbons Order of the Bath/Order of the British Empire/Order of Saint John/General Service Medal/NATO-Medal Former Yugolavia/Iraq Medal/Operational Service Medal for Afghanistan/Queen Elizabeth II Golden Jubilee Medal/Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal-GB - 1579  
Gilbert und Ellice Inseln
33 1935 1 P Order of the Garter, collar-GB 33 - 36 Silver Jubilee King George V
34 1935 1 1/2 Order of the Garter, collar-GB 33 - 36 Silver Jubilee King George V
35 1935 3 P Order of the Garter, collar-GB 33 - 36 Silver Jubilee King George V
36 1935 1 Sh Order of the Garter, collar-GB 33 - 36 Silver Jubilee King George V


108 1935 1 P Order of the Garter, collar-GB 108 - 11 Silver Jubilee King George V
109 1935 3 P Order of the Garter, collar-GB 108 - 11 Silver Jubilee King George V
110 1935 6 P Order of the Garter, collar-GB 108 - 11 Silver Jubilee King George V
111 1935 1 Sh Order of the Garter, collar-GB 108 - 11 Silver Jubilee King George V


Great Britain
1987 18 P Coat of Arms Lyon King of Arms + Order of the Thistle 300 years Order of the Thistle
1987 22 P Coat of Arms Duke of Rothesay + Order of the Thistle 300 years Order of the Thistle
1987 31 P Coat of Arms Academy of Painting + Order of the Thistle 300 years Order of the Thistle
1987 34 P Coat of Arms Society of Edinburgh + Order of the Thistle 300 years Order of the Thistle
1990 20 P Victoria Cross Gallantry Awards
1990 20 P George Cross Decorations for valour
1990 20 P Distinguished Service Cross/Distinguished Service Medal Gallantry Awards
1990 20 P Military Cross/Military Medal Gallantry Awards
1990 20 P Distinguished Flying Cross/Distinguished Flying Medal Gallantry Awards
1998 26 P Coat of Arms + heraldic beasts 650 years Order of the Garter
1998 26 P Coat of Arms + heraldic beasts 650 years Order of the Garter
1998 26 P Coat of Arms + heraldic beasts 650 years Order of the Garter
1998 26 P Coat of Arms + heraldic beasts 650 years Order of the Garter
1998 26 P Coat of Arms + heraldic beasts 650 years Order of the Garter
2394 2006 1st Cl Angansing Rai + Victoria Cross 2399 c 150 years Victoria Cross
2395 2006 1st Cl Jack Cornwell + Victoria Cross 2399 c 150 years Victoria Cross
2396 2006 64 P Charles Lucas + Victoria Cross 2399 c 150 years Victoria Cross
2397 2006 64 P Noel Chavasse + Victoria Cross 2399 c 150 years Victoria Cross
2398 2006 72 P Albert Ball + Victoria Cross 2399 c 150 years Victoria Cross
2399 2006 72 Charles Upham + Victoria Cross 2399 c 150 years Victoria Cross
2006 20 P Victoria Cross 2399 c 150 years Victoria Cross
Great Britain - Guernsey
777 2002 22 P Le Patourel in front of OTC Elizabeth College 777 - 82 60 years Victoria Cross for Le Patourel
778 2002 26 P Le Patourel + Victoria Cross 777 - 82 60 years Victoria Cross for Le Patourel
779 2002 36 P Le Patourel with nurse 777 - 82 60 years Victoria Cross for Le Patourel
780 2002 40 P Bestowal of the Victoria Cross on Le Patourel/Victoria Cross Ribbon 777 - 82 60 years Victoria Cross for Le Patourel
781 2002 45 P Le Patourel return to Guernsey 777 - 82 60 years Victoria Cross for Le Patourel
782 2002 65 P Le Patourel Flags in church 777 - 82 60 years Victoria Cross for Le Patourel
886 2006 29 P Irak 2004 + Victoria Cross 886 - 91 150 years Victoria Cross
887 2006 34 P Falkland 1982 + Victoria Cross 886 - 91 150 years Victoria Cross
888 2006 38 P El Alamein 1942 + Victoria Cross 886 - 91 150 years Victoria Cross
889 2006 42 P Gallipoli 1915 + Victoria Cross 886 - 91 150 years Victoria Cross
890 2006 47 P Rorke's Drift + Victoria Cross 886 - 91 150 years Victoria Cross
891 2006 68 P Attack of the Light Brigade 1854 + Victoria Cross 886 - 91 150 years Victoria Cross
1123 2011 70 P Bestowal of the Victoria Cross 1123 a 90 years Royal British Legion
Great Britain - Jersey
55 1971 7 1/2 P Jack Counter + Victoria Cross 53 - 56 50 years Royal British Legion
175 1977 5 P Grand Prior Sir William Westen in robe of the Order of St. John 175 - 78 100 Jahre St. John's Ambulance
176 1977 7 P Grand Prior Sir William Drogo in robe of the Order of St. John 175 - 78 100 years St. John's Ambulance
177 1977 11 P Grand Prior The Duke of Connaught in robe of the Order of St. John 175 - 78 100 years St. John's Ambulance
178 1977 13 P Grand Prior The Duke of Gloucester in robe of the Order of St. John 175 - 78 100 years St. John's Ambulance
2003 Pour le Mérite (Blue Max)-D Aviation History VIII Manfred von Richthofen
1202 2006 2 L Ingouville/Lucas + Victoria Cross 1202 150 years Victoria Cross
2013 4 L Prince Charles + Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath-military division/Order of Merit-civil version/Order of the Garter/Order of the Thistle/Queen's Service Order-NZ/Queen's Coronation Medal/Queen's Silver Jubilee Medal/Queen's Golden Jubilee Medal/Canadian Forces Medal/NZ Commemoration Medal 65th anniversary Charles Prince of Wales
2014 82 Poppy + Victoria Cross Remembrance World War I
Great Britain - Man
202 1981 10 P Maj Caine + Victoria Cross 201 - 04 60 years Royal British Legion
635 1995 10 P 1939/45 Star/Africa Star 635 -42 50 years end of World War II
636 1995 10 P Italy Star/France and Germany Star 635 -42 50 years end of World War II
637 1995 20 P Atlantic Star/Air Crew Europe Star 635 -42 50 years end of World War II
638 1995 20 P Pacific Star/Burma Star 635 -42 50 years end of World War II
863 2000 22 P Watterson, Churchill + Distinguished Service Cross 861 - 63 Events in war
2015 Burma Star 70 years end of World War II
2015 1,50 L 1939/45 Star 70 years end of World War II
2016 175 P Jellico + ribbons/Scheer + Pour le Mérite-D (For Merit) on body 100 years Battle of Jutland
2016 175 P Beatty + ribbons/von Hipper + Pour le Mérite-D (For Merit)/Militär-Max-Josephs-Orden Kommandeur-D (Military Order of Max Joseph) on body 100 years Battle of Jutland
2018 1 st Sopwith Camel + Victoria Cross, ribbon 100 years Royal Air Force)
2018 1 st Spitfire + Air Force Cross, ribbon 100 years Royal Air Force
2018 EU Lancaster + Distinguished Flying Cross, ribbon 100 years Royal Air Force
2018 EU Vulcan + Long Service and Good Conduct Medal, ribbon 100 years Royal Air Force
2018 1 st Chinook + Distinguished Flying Medal, ribbon 100 years Royal Air Force
2018 1 L Harrier + Air Force Medal, ribbon 100 years Royal Air Force
2018 RoW Typhoon + George Cross, ribbon 100 years Royal Air Force
2018 RoW Lightning II + Distinguished Service Order, ribbon 100 years Royal Air Force
2018 Victoria Cross/Air Force Cross//Distinguished Flying Cross/Long Service and Good Conduct Medal//Air Force Medal/Distinguished Flying Medal//George Cross/Distinguished Service Order, ribbons on edge 100 years Royal Air Force
2019 1,52 L Sir Frank Gill + Order of Isabella the Catholic-E Sir Frank Gill
2019 1,85 L Sir Frank Gill + Order of St. Michael and St. George, Knight Commander Sir Frank Gill
1947-48 600 D Badge of Combattants Victory
124 1935 1/2 P Order of the Garter, collar-GB 124 - 27 Silver Jubilee King George V
146 1935 1 P Order of the Garter, collar-GB 124 - 27 Silver Jubilee King George V
147 1935 1 1/2 P Order of the Garter, collar-GB 124 - 27 Silver Jubilee King George V
148 1935 1 Sh Order of the Garter, collar-GB 124 - 27 Silver Jubilee King George V
1994 15 C Ramphal + Order of the Caribbean Community 1st CARICOM Awards
1994 65 C Demas + Order of the Caribbean Community 1st CARICOM Awards
1994 2 $ Walcott + Order of the Caribbean Community 1st CARICOM Awards
2004 3 $ Jody Williams + UN-Peace Price Medal/Ribbon on miniature sheet International UN-Year of Peace
2005 5 $ Pvt Beharry + Victoria Cross-GB Bestowal of the Victoria Cross on Pvt Beharry
2007 Victoria Cross recipients, map of Jena (Germany) + Victoria Cross-GB on frame 150 years Victoria Cross
2007 6 $ Victoria Cross-GB on frame 150 years Victoria Cross
2015 4,50 $ Churchill + Victoria Cross-GB 70 years end of World War II
2015 4,50 $ Roosevelt + Medal of Honor-US 70 years end of World War II
2015 4,50 $ de Gaulle + Legion of Honor (Légion d'Honneur)-FR 70 years end of World War II
2015 4,50 $ Staline + Order of Souvorov-SU 70 years end of World War II
2015 4,50 $ Mao Tse-tung + Order Independence and Liberty-CN 70 years end of World War II
Grenada - Carriacou & Petite Martinique
2015 10 $ Queen Elisabeth II. and Prince Philip + Special Class of the Federal Cross of Merit-D (Sonderstufe des Bundesverdienstkreuzes)-D / President Gauck + Honorary Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath)-GB on body Queen Elizabeth II, Longest Reigning British Monarch
Grenada - Grenadines
1994 25 C Ramphal + Order of the Caribbean Community 1st CARICOM Awards
1994 65 C Demas + Order of the Caribbean Community 1st CARICOM Awards
1994 2 $ Walcott + Order of the Caribbean Community 1st CARICOM Awards


7 B-1828 2012 15000 Fr Amelia Earhart + Distinguished Flying Cross-US 75 years since Amelia Earhart disappeard
2012 20000 Fr Claude Debussy + Legion of Honor (Légion d'Honneur-F 150 years Claude Debussy
2020 Neil Armstrong + Presidential Medal of Freedom/Congressional Space Medal of Honor/Congressional Gold Medal/NASA Distinguished Service Medal/NASA Exceptional Service Medal/Air Medal on edge-US 90 years Neil Armstrong
2020 Distinguished Flying Cross/Legion of Honor/NASA Exceptional Service Medal/Presidential Medal of Freedom/NASA Distinguished Service Medal/Air Force Distinguished Service Medal on edge-US 90 years Michael Collins
2021 15000 FG National Defense Service Medal-US Vietnam War
2014 Ronald Reagan + Presidential Medal of Freedom-US 10th anniversary of death of Ronald Reagan
2018 640 FCFA Henri Dunant + Henri Dunant Medal-ICRC 190th anniversary of Henri Dunant
223 1935 2 P Order of the Garter, collar-GB 223 - 26 Silver Jubilee King George V
224 1935 6 P Order of the Garter, collar-GB 223 - 26 Silver Jubilee King George V
225 1935 12 P Order of the Garter, collar-GB 223 - 26 Silver Jubilee King George V
226 1935 24 P Order of the Garter, collar-GB 223 - 26 Silver Jubilee King George V
1975 10 C Golden Arrow of Courage Republic day 1975
1975 35 C Cacique's Crown of Honour Republic day 1975
1975 50 C Cacique's Crown of Valour Republic day 1975
1975 1 $ Order of Excellence Republic day 1975
1985 150 Golden Arrow of Courage Friendship Guyana - Libya
2725 1993 7,65 $ Demas + Order of the Caribbean Community 2725 - 27 First recipients of the Order of the Caribbean Community
2726 1993 7,65 $ Ramphal + Order of the Caribbean Community 2725 - 27 First recipients of the Order of the Caribbean Community
2727 1993 7,65 $ Walcott + Order of the Caribbean Community 2725 - 27 First recipients of the Order of the Caribbean Community
1995 60 $ Demas First recipients of the Order of the Caribbean Community II
1995 60 $ Ramphal First recipients of the Order of the Caribbean Community II
1995 60 $ Walcott First recipients of the Order of the Caribbean Community II
2018 800 $ Coronation Medal 1953, obverse-GB 65th Anniversary of the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II
2018 400 $ Silver Jubilee Medal 1977, obverse-GB 65th Anniversary of the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II
2018 400 $ Silver Jubilee Medal 1977, reverse-GB 65th Anniversary of the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II
2018 400 $ Golden Jubilee Medal 2002, obverse-GB 65th Anniversary of the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II
2018 400 $ Golden Jubilee Medal 2002, reverse-GB 65th Anniversary of the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II
2018 400 $ Diamond Jubilee Medal 2012, obverse-GB 65th Anniversary of the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II
2018 400 $ Diamond Jubilee Medal 2012, reverse-GB 65th Anniversary of the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II


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Orden auf Briefmarken:
Hartmut Gräber, Dortmund.
Last modification January 1, 2022.