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Annex I

This annex contains a selection of postal stationary, letters und similar items related to 'Medals on Stamps'.


A  C  G  I  K  N  P  R S  T  U


Se  So 


Stanley Gibbons-No. Year Nominal Description Set No. Cause of emission


1982 350 F National Order of the Lion/?/? Konföderation Senegambia
2015 23 Milos Obrenovic + Order Milos the Great 3rd degree 200 years of tradition of the Serbian Army
Serb Bosnia
2015 Postmark: Commemorative Medal of the Withdrawal of the Serbian Army through Albania-YU Centenary of suffering Serbian soldiers and civilians through Albanian mountains


South Africa
1984 Pro Patria Decoration/De Wet Decoration/John Chard Decoration/Honoris Crux Decoration Military decorations
Soviet Union
1975 4 K Order of Victory/Red Star Medal/Medal For Defence of Leningrad 30th anniversary end of World War II - Leningrad
1975 4 K Order of Victory/Red Star Medal 30th anniversary end of World War II - Kiev
1975 4 K Order of Victory/Red Star Medal 30th anniversary end of World War II - Sevastopol
1975 4 K Order of Victory/Red Star Medal 30th anniversary end of World War II - Kerch
1978 4 K Komsomol Decorations Komsomol
1985 4 K Order of Lenin 50th anniversary of the Moscow Metro
1987 4 K Order of Victory Hero city Smolensk


Se  So 



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Orden auf Briefmarken:
Hartmut Gräber, Dortmund.
Last modification 12th of November 2016